Saturday, June 09, 2007
The Teacher

My Team

- My name is Jeane Elizabeth but just call me Jeane, and this is my picture with Putri.
- We are friend since grade VII and still.
- My hobby are Singing and reading novel.
- my favorite book are Charly and the Chocolate Factory.
- I like to see the scary movie, now in my country scary movie is trend
- My favorite song is sound of music.
Nice to know you and love to meet you soon.
My Team

My name is Rossi but you can call me Ochi.
I am grade VIII in Junior High School 3 Bogor City.
Others activities are going to internet cafe, and reading comics and novel. Some time I trade the novel or comics with Leona :-).
My favorite comic is Conan and the cartoon also.
I love to listen dangdut, jazz, melow, and rock music.
Now, I am as a treasury in student council in my school, may be I am look like a bos.
My zodiac is Geminy
See you soon
My Team

My favorite book is novel Teenlit and comic Conan.
My favorite movie is harry potter, lord of the ring and detective conan.
Taurus is my zodiac.
Nice to meet you in cyber.
My Team

Halo, my name is Putri
I live in Bogor.
My school is Junior High School grade VIII (SMP Negeri 3 Kota Bogor).
My hobby is shopping and listening music.
Now I have a responsibility of students council.
Look forward to meet you
Does The Shopping Culture Always Bad?
The growing of this shopping culture makes money rule the world. Makes people rule by the money. In my opinion, it due to all people needs are individual responsibility. The impact of this individual responsibility are various. Among other things, first economical aspect growing fast, easily and widely. Second, money becomes people main aim. Third, money rule all people aspect easily.
Therefore, I conclude nowadays money rule the world. I appeal people to defend themselves against the bad impact of this money, in order not being ruled. So, to against the bad impact, we should defense our self by minimizing visiting the shopping center and don't be consumptive.
If I were a nobel prize winner, what would I spend the prize money?
A lot earn us [do/conduct] if we get prize money, but everybody [do] not can use better.
Because money very influence somebody life.
If only we get prize money, we wish to make happy family, especially parent, because important them so central in our life and they will always live [in] our liver.
Later;Then we will use to more improve;repair our own life, so that we [do] not encumber parent again although only whereas.
Afterwards we will try to use [it] better perhaps in the case of which are positive. Especially in improve;repairing life of people [of] a lot of, for example : giving contribution to one who unable to, especially for children of public road [of] because them of nation router. Later;Then we will make reformatory in order to those who don't have residence earn fair life in place.
We will not use [it] just to our own importance but for the sake of others also.
This question is already general in our ears, because lots of people has asked this question., lots had answered it, and still feel confused with this question. Anyway, we could ask this question to our self, because this question will give different answer from the person who answered it.
One of our friends answer is."Not only money that brings happiness. But I need happiness from my family and friends that understand me the way I am."
But the truth is, there is still so much who finds happiness with money. And sometimes they use the wrom why like corruption, nepotisme, contulusion, even stealing. They could do anything to get happiness that they feel if they have lots of money.
Even thougt, I think is not only money that could bring happiness. There are lots of things that could bring happiness. Even ever listening, much parents which willing to sell only child for invent meet. Money and much adolescent right now which consent to sell price self only on money, even proof that can we took with clear at we around.
Conclude is hout to look way matter return again to till self we alone which to do or to treat money that with reflection which straight and positive not to reflection self alone but to reflection person other which we below.
By : ~ Ieda Savitri
~ Putri K. & Liona U
~ Rosianna.P & Jeane L.S
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Indonesian Presidential Palaces and National Monument

have a nice surfing
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Indonesian Currency Vocabulary
- Rupiah, is the name of Indonesian currency. The name is similar with India currency Rupee. It is easy to answer, because you can find Indian culture like a religion (Budha and Hindu) and the empire style influence by India culture.
- Uang, that word is meaning money. This word is addapted from malay language.
- sen, you known this word in English cent.
- Harga, in english is price.
- Bank, it is same with bank in English.
- Pasar, usually define for traditional market.
- Ongkos, fee that we have to pay for something like pay for train, bus, or air line.
- ...
- ....
- ...
Collection of Indonesian Money
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hopefully you all enjoy the cyber travel
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Rendang the Traditional Food

Rendang is made from beef (or occasionally chicken, mutton, water buffalo meat or vegetables like jackfruit or cassava) slowly cooked in coconut milk and spices for several hours until almost all the liquid is gone, leaving the meat coated in the spicy condiments. The cooking process transitions from boiling to frying as the liquid is evaporated. The spices may include ginger, galangal, turmeric leaf, lemon grass and chillies. The slow cooking process allows the meat to absorb all the spices and to become tender.
There are two kinds of rendang: dried and wet. Dried rendang can be kept for 3–4 months, and it is for ceremonial occasions or to honor guests. Wet rendang, also known as kalio, can be found in Minangkabau restaurants and without refrigeration it should be consumed within a month.
Rendang is often served with rice in Indonesia but in Malaysia it is served with ketupat (a compressed rice cake) and lemang (glutinous rice barbecued in bamboo tubes).
Tari Piring:

Traditional HouseMinangkabau

The location of a traditional house stretch from west to east, while the numbers of the rooms are 3,5,7,9 & even though 17. The construction is expended up with a horn shape roof. The roof looks like the horn of buffalo with 4 to 6 points stretch along the house and a point in addition forward for the front door and ladder. For the expanding form of the construction, there is no any right angle connection to the pillars with the horizontal bars of the house. Both, the upper and lower horizontal bars of the building.
The inside of the house is divided into 4 parts. They are living quarters along one side of that house, which consist of five or more rooms; another side in front of the rooms is a hall for meeting. In some houses, the meeting hall made with a raised floor as the place for the household in a meeting. At both ends of the house are rooms with a higher floor called 'Anjuang'. The rooms at Anjuang are used only for a special occasion, and usually used by a newly married daughter of the family.The Traditional House is difference based on their clan:
Bodi Chaniago traditional houses.The house has smooth floor and doesn't have anjuang. Koto Piliang traditional housesThe house has anjuang.
The traditional house based on their shape:
- Rumah gadang Rajo Babanding.Consists of 5 rooms, 30 poles, 4 slightly horn shapes
- Rumah Gadang Rajo Maharam.Consists of 40 poles. It is called Gajah Maharam because the whole shapes look like elephant that sitting on the floor with the legs together and bent back beside the body.
- Rumah Gadang Sarambi PapekIt is smaller than Rumah Gadang Rajo Babanding and consists of 3,4,5 rooms coinciding with the numbers of pole and there is no "paserek" and bedroom here.
- Sitinjau Lauik
Located on the left side with 6 poles and functioned as paddy storage to provide the common traditional need of expense.
- Sibayau-bayau
- Sitangka Lapa
The traditional house wall and the rice barns are adorned with colorful carving, that very interesting and has a special meaning reflecting to Minang Philosophy "Alam Takambang jadi Guru" means the whole nature becomes the teachers.
History of minangkabau

The Minang lived in three valleys, each valley being ruled by a different leader. Their power reached as far as Batak regions and Rajang. The central Minang government lasted until the end of 18th century when the wealth of the gold mines was exhausted and the miners had to find other work. This work was found in the direction of coffee, salt, textiles and gambir (a superior vegetable tannin which proved to be an improvement on the original Chinese product). Islamic traders from the beginning of the Islamic reformation controlled the trade. Kings, Queens and other secular leaders who refused to follow the Paderi (religious leaders) were conquered during this troubled period in what became known as the Paderi wars. The Islamic university is still called Paderi.In 1821, the Dutch secured their trade by making agreements with King Alam of Pagaruyung. The King gave them the Tanahdatar Valley in which they built Fort de Cock at Bukittingi. From there, they extended their power over the highlands.
The Paderi wars continued until 1837 at Bonjol, named after the most powerful Paderi leader, Imam Bonjol, where their power was broken.From the beginning of the 20th century West Sumatra played an important role in modernizing Islam, especially in improving education for women. In the twenties many a well-educated student was frustrated by the lack of work. In 1926 the students, with the aid of the Communists, started a rebellion; many rebels were put into Dutch jails in New Guinea, Irian Jajah.
After the Second World War, during the independence struggle, Bukittingi briefly became the capital city of Indonesia; after the Dutch captured Sukarno it was the temporary refuge of the Government. On 1st. January 1950 Sumatra became a province of the newly independent Republic of Indonesia.
Sample Indonesian Currency

Front: Depicting the National Hero: Tuanku Imam Bonjol
He was orginally from West Sumatra. "Tuanku Imam Bonjol" is a title, which was given to religious teachers in Sumatra. Imam Bonjol's real name is Peto Syarif Ibnu Pandito Bayanuddin. He was the most popular leader of the Padri movement in Sumatra, which orginally opposed gambling, cockfighting, the use of opium, strong drink, tobacco, etc., but eventually included resistance toward the Dutch, which resulted in the Padri Wars (1821-1838). In 1837, Imam Bonjol's village was taken over by the Dutch, and Imam Bonjol eventually surrendered. He was exiled to several places in Indonesia with the last place of exile being Minahasa. He is recognized as a national hero.
A Sumatran-style building covers Imam Bonjol's final resting place. In it is his grave, as well as a relief depicting him in the Padri Wars. To the side of this building is the original house where Imam Bonjol lived during his exile.
Back: Depicting a traditional weaver
Watermark: Depicting the National Heroine: Cut Nyak Meutia
Saturday, February 10, 2007
My City Bogor

Bogor city has a very long history in government administration remind since Pajajaran Imperium Age, history evidence just like written on Batu Tulis epigraphy, those village names such Lawanggintung,Lawang Saketeng, Jerokuta, Baranangsiang and LeuwiSipatahunan, convinced that Pakuan as the capital of Pajajaran placed in Bogor City.
Pakuan as the centre of Pajajaran government wellknown on King Siliwangi (the Emperor) government period which his coronation exactly on June 3rd, 1482. Till now, June 3rd acknowledged as Bogor City anniversary,because since 1973 both district parliaments (DPRD) of Bogor Regency and Bogor City decided the date to be celebrated every year.
As the battled effect of Banten's army to Pakuan Pajajaran, the documents of Pakuan had been vanished. Pakuan story revealed after invaded by Dutch expeditions group leaded by Scipio and Riebeck on 1687 and they researched the Batu Tulis epigraphy with other archeological sites which proven that Bogor City as centre Pakuan Pajajaran government administration.
On 1745, Netherlands E. Indies Governor General named Baron Van Inhoff built Bogor Palaced, along with the Daendles Highway construction related Batavia and Bogor, with the result that Bogor begin expand.
On England colonized period, the Governor General was Thomas Raffles - He deserved enough in expanding Bogor City by renovated Bogor Palaced and half of his land became the Bogor Botanical Garden. He assigned a Planner named Carsens who arranged the Bogor City structure as a resorted wellknown named Buitenzoorg.
After Netherland E. Indies government back, they published Desentralization Act on 1903 purposed to eliminate the traditional govern system changed by modern government administration system as a formed realization the Staadgemeente, as list below:
1. Gemeente Batavia | | ( S. 1903 No.204 ) |
2. Gemeente Meester Cornelis | ( S. 1905 No.206 ) | |
3. Gemeente Buitenzoorg | ( S. 1905 No.208 ) | |
4. Gemeente Bandoeng | ( S. 1906 No.121 ) | |
5. Gemeente Cirebon | ( S. 1905 No.122 ) | |
6. Gemeente Soekabumi | ( S. 1914 No.310 ) |
(Regeringsalmanak Voor Nederlandsh Indie 1928 : 746-748)
The gemeente establishment were not the native interest for, but to the Netherlands and Europe community and the similarity community (Dutchs always be the Burgermeester of Staatsgemeente Buitenzoorg and just on 1940 occupied by native was Mr. Soebroto).
On 1922, as result of unsatisfied about the desentralization role, composed Bestuursher Voorings Ordonantie or State Structure Revision Act of Netherlands Indies (Staatsblad 1922 No. 216), so that still on 1922 Regentschaps Ordonantie (Regency Ordinance) formed. Regentschaps Ordonantie made the district regulation Regency Autonomy (Staatsblad 1925 No. 79).West Java Province formed on 1925 (Staatsblad 1924 No. 378 bij Propince West Java) consisted of 5 residences, 18 regencies, 2 municipalities, where Buitenzoorg (Bogor) was one of the StaatsGemeente in West Java Province form basicly (Staatsblad 1905 No.208 jo. Staatsblad 1926 No. 368), have principle Modern Desentralization and Bugermeester occupied had been clarity.
On Japanese colonized period, fading government administration Bogor City because central government focused on residential which placed in Bogor City. This time, institutions name changed, they were: Residence became Syoeoe, Regency/Regenschaps became Ken, City/Staads Gemeente became Si, District became Gun, Sub-District/Under Districk became Soe and Village became Koe.
After freedom period, after Indonesia Republic souvereignity confession, government administration in Bogor City, the name changed became Bogor Big City,based form Act No. 16/1950.
Furthertmore, on 1957 the name of government administration has been changed as Bogor Municipality, according to Act No. 1/ 1957, then with Act No. 18/1965 and Act No. 5/1974 rechange became Municipality II Bogor.
With Act validation No. 2/1999, Municipality II Bogor changed became Bogor City