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Saturday, February 10, 2007


My City Bogor

We live in Bogor City, Bogor city known as "the rain city" because almost all the year long full with rain. The information about history of Bogor we add from www.kotabogor.go.id

Bogor city has a very long history in government administration remind since Pajajaran Imperium Age, history evidence just like written on Batu Tulis epigraphy, those village names such Lawanggintung,Lawang Saketeng, Jerokuta, Baranangsiang and LeuwiSipatahunan, convinced that Pakuan as the capital of Pajajaran placed in Bogor City.

Pakuan as the centre of Pajajaran government wellknown on King Siliwangi (the Emperor) government period which his coronation exactly on June 3rd, 1482. Till now, June 3rd acknowledged as Bogor City anniversary,because since 1973 both district parliaments (DPRD) of Bogor Regency and Bogor City decided the date to be celebrated every year.

As the battled effect of Banten's army to Pakuan Pajajaran, the documents of Pakuan had been vanished. Pakuan story revealed after invaded by Dutch expeditions group leaded by Scipio and Riebeck on 1687 and they researched the Batu Tulis epigraphy with other archeological sites which proven that Bogor City as centre Pakuan Pajajaran government administration.

On 1745, Netherlands E. Indies Governor General named Baron Van Inhoff built Bogor Palaced, along with the Daendles Highway construction related Batavia and Bogor, with the result that Bogor begin expand.

On England colonized period, the Governor General was Thomas Raffles - He deserved enough in expanding Bogor City by renovated Bogor Palaced and half of his land became the Bogor Botanical Garden. He assigned a Planner named Carsens who arranged the Bogor City structure as a resorted wellknown named Buitenzoorg.

After Netherland E. Indies government back, they published Desentralization Act on 1903 purposed to eliminate the traditional govern system changed by modern government administration system as a formed realization the Staadgemeente, as list below:

1. Gemeente Batavia

( S. 1903 No.204 )

2. Gemeente Meester Cornelis

( S. 1905 No.206 )

3. Gemeente Buitenzoorg

( S. 1905 No.208 )

4. Gemeente Bandoeng

( S. 1906 No.121 )

5. Gemeente Cirebon

( S. 1905 No.122 )

6. Gemeente Soekabumi

( S. 1914 No.310 )

(Regeringsalmanak Voor Nederlandsh Indie 1928 : 746-748)

The gemeente establishment were not the native interest for, but to the Netherlands and Europe community and the similarity community (Dutchs always be the Burgermeester of Staatsgemeente Buitenzoorg and just on 1940 occupied by native was Mr. Soebroto).

On 1922, as result of unsatisfied about the desentralization role, composed Bestuursher Voorings Ordonantie or State Structure Revision Act of Netherlands Indies (Staatsblad 1922 No. 216), so that still on 1922 Regentschaps Ordonantie (Regency Ordinance) formed. Regentschaps Ordonantie made the district regulation Regency Autonomy (Staatsblad 1925 No. 79).

West Java Province formed on 1925 (Staatsblad 1924 No. 378 bij Propince West Java) consisted of 5 residences, 18 regencies, 2 municipalities, where Buitenzoorg (Bogor) was one of the StaatsGemeente in West Java Province form basicly (Staatsblad 1905 No.208 jo. Staatsblad 1926 No. 368), have principle Modern Desentralization and Bugermeester occupied had been clarity.

On Japanese colonized period, fading government administration Bogor City because central government focused on residential which placed in Bogor City. This time, institutions name changed, they were: Residence became Syoeoe, Regency/Regenschaps became Ken, City/Staads Gemeente became Si, District became Gun, Sub-District/Under Districk became Soe and Village became Koe.

After freedom period, after Indonesia Republic souvereignity confession, government administration in Bogor City, the name changed became Bogor Big City,based form Act No. 16/1950.

Furthertmore, on 1957 the name of government administration has been changed as Bogor Municipality, according to Act No. 1/ 1957, then with Act No. 18/1965 and Act No. 5/1974 rechange became Municipality II Bogor.

With Act validation No. 2/1999, Municipality II Bogor changed became Bogor City

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